Friday, July 23, 2010

Sleep, sleep, I need sleep

It has been about a month since I got a reasonable amount of sleep. I really need about 9 1/2 hours a night but I rarely get that. In fact, I'm not sure when the last time I got that much was!

We've been working on moving Silas and Jason to their own beds. Last night was a disaster. Neither on of them went to sleep till after midnight and they both slept in our bed!

Even when I get to bed at a reasonable hour (which hasn't happened in a couple of weeks) I end up getting woken up several times in the night.

It's so bad that I'm thinking about sleeping all day long! Trying to figure out how to get everyone in bed and asleep early has consumed my thoughts. I need to wake them all up earlier I think.

We used to have such a good schedule but ever since we moved to GA it has not been worked out just right.

Ideally the boys would be in bed by 9 and the grown-ups in bed by 10. Then we could all get up at 7 or 7:30 and Silas could have a short nap after lunch.

When school starts back I'd really like to be on that ideal schedule, so I've got to start now! My plan is that next time Archie has a day off we'll all get up at the appointed time and go to bed on time. Until then we can work on getting up a little earlier and going to bed a little earlier each day. I really hope this works.

Tomorrow Archie works a half day. I'm hoping either I can sleep in late in the morning or get a nap in the afternoon when he gets home. I just need sleep. So does Archie.

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