Saturday, January 17, 2009

You know you have boys when...

...Your computer monitor is smeared with milk.

...the toys you bought for Christmas are broken by valentines day.

...there is mud tracked down the hall on a regular basis.

...the food you buy on Friday to last the next week, is gone by Monday.

...there are legos spread across the entire house and yard, all the time.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

It's coming!

Bible College graduation!!! Dh has 1 class that he's working on now, 2 classes that he just ordered and then he's done! I can't believe he's almost done! August 2002 to May 2009.

He's getting his information together for the graduation. He's got to do a voice recording for it, he has to say his name, life verse, and thank yous in 15 seconds. They will play it when he walks.

I have been dreaming of him graduating for some time now and its almost here! I guess I should start praying now that the boys will behave well enough that we can sit through the graduation! I'm sure my family will be there so they can help. I imagine Silas will be well walking by then.

Watch the ticker on the right of this page to count down to graduation!

Monday, January 12, 2009


Some days when nothing goes as planned, when the boys are fighting with me and each other, when the house is a mess and anything I clean comes apart inside of an hour. When I find yet another broken toy, or another drawing on the wall, or another scraped knee. On the days when I look around and it seems like all of my effort has been for nothing....

On those days I wonder how I will ever manage to reach my goal of raising godly, honorable, responsible, respectful, hardworking young men. On those days it seems like an impossible dream.

But then God sends the encouragement. That radio show with the couple that has raised 3 boys who turned out like I want my boys to turn out. I hear their stories of when their boys were little and I think to myself "you mean its not just MY boys that are like that???" or "You mean even if they are little monsters when they are young they can turn out well in the end???"

And then there is the woman at church that I really respect and she tells me about when her all of her boys were little, and shares a glimpse of what it is like for her now that they are teens and young adults, and again, I feel encouraged.

They won't always be little and into destroying everything that is in their path. They will learn as they grow, eventually some of the lessons I try to teach them will start to sink in.

I have realized too, that its not my job to fully raise them. First the Lord blesses me with them, then He helps me raise them to adulthood and then He takes over and finishes the work Himself! So although it is still a lot of responsibility on my shoulders, He bears much more than I do. And I thank Him for that.

So maybe there is hope after all. Maybe they will turn out well if I keep trusting in Him and looking to Him for my help. If I keep these boys bathed in prayer, and keep on doing my best to teach them what the Lord has taught me, and teach them how to know the Lord for themselves.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Warm Winter afternoon

It was a bit crisp when we set out for Church at 8:30 this morning but it really warmed up this afternoon! It was really a perfect afternoon weather wise. The sun was shining, there was a slight breeze, and clear skies. M climbed the tree, G played in the dirt, J made mud, and I pushed S in the swing. He actually fell asleep in the swing and I carried him inside to a blanket on the living room floor.

It would have been nicer if Dh had been home. Unfortunately they've been having him work most Sunday's for the past few months.

The sun has set now, leaving behind a pinkish gold sky that will soon fade to black. There is still a bit of a breeze but it feels cooler now.

Thank You Lord for such a pretty day!

Friday, January 9, 2009

New Weight loss goal

OK, I'm starting over, again.

My goal is an easy one, so I really hope I can do it! I want to lose 16 lbs by June 1st. That breaks down to about 3 lbs a month. I really hope I'll be able to reach that goal. I've been eating a lot better lately and I have lost about half a pound in the last week. and about half a pound the week before. Now if I can only get back to exercising!

You know, it was a lot easier to take long walks when I had only two kids. I just put them in the double stroller, packed some snacks and drinks for them and hit the sidewalk. Things are more complicated now.

My wonderful husband just bought me some new exercise DVD's though, I think I'll try to do one today. I don't know if the baby will let me though, I rarely get more than a 15 minute stretch without having to rescue him from his brothers or himself!

Help me Lord! I want to glorify You with my body. I want to be healthy so that I can better serve You. In Jesus precious name, Amen.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

A new year for me

Today I turn 31 years young!

When I was a teenager I used to day dream about waking up one morning in bed with my husband and a bunch of kids all around me. Now its true! I wake up next to my wonderful Archie, and usually at lease two little boys, sometimes all 4! Sometimes I wonder where all these little boys came from and how they could possibly all belong to me!

I am so blessed. I do not deserve it. There is nothing good in me alone, all that is good in me comes from my heavenly Father who has worked out good in me. He is so good to me and I love Him.

We weren't able to go to church today because we've all been sick and we just aren't up to getting out yet but a friend stopped buy and brought me a birthday gift. It was such a blessing to know that I have friends who care about me. I hope that I can be as good a friend.

So, 31 years gone by, many more to come? Yet I hope and pray that eternity will begin soon. Come quickly Lord Jesus! Take us away!

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Happy New Year!...a little late

S came down with a stomach bug Thursday morning. 12 hours of throwing up, followed by runs out the other end. Poor baby. He's still not quite right but he is acting a lot better and crawling through the house again.

Yesterday J started throwing up around 6 PM but that has stopped now, I'm waiting to see if he gets the runs as well. I started throwing up at 11 PM, I'm still feeling very weak and tired but not throwing up anymore. I was able to eat a few crackers. I have a monster headache though. G and M both started throwing up early this morning but seem to be ok now. I haven't given them anything to eat yet, I'd like to wait a little longer.

Dh hasn't come down with anything yet. I really hope he doesn't! I hate it when we are all sick. He's going to try and come home from work early today. He couldn't take the whole day off though since he had Thurs. and Friday off, and he has Sunday off as well.

Praise the Lord it seems to be a short virus and not one of the nasty 72 hour bugs!

Anyway, Happy New Year! We have a lot going on this year. Its exciting to see what all the Lord has in store. First off, we have a trip to Georgia/Florida in less than 3 weeks. The two little boys will go with us but the two big boys will stay with their grandparents here. It will be a good opportunity to spend some time with them before we move in June. It will be a lot easier for Archie and I to travel with just 2 instead of 4 as well.

I'm off for now, I have boys to attend to!