Wednesday, August 4, 2010

My Garden

My garden did not turn out so well this year. I planted a few seeds which grew into plants that the rabbits ate. Then we got some wilted plants that a store was going to throw out and planted those. The rabbits and deer ate some before I got cages up. By that point it was really too hot to plant lettuce anyway and it didn't turn out at all. We planted a few water melon plants as well and they look nice but there is no fruit on them and its already August so I'm afraid they won't do anything either. The tomato plants didn't do anything either, the deer and rabbits got to them before I got a chance to plant them.

I did bring in a harvest though! I didn't plant them, I didn't water them at first, but they grew up anyway! Butternut and Spaghetti squash popped up in and around my compost bin! I had about 10 butternut squash but 3 of them busted. I brought in two, I'm not sure if they were really ready but the vines they were on died. There are 5 more out there, I'll be watching to see what they do. There are also 3 spaghetti squash that are looking rather nice.

It's funny, everything I tried to grow died and now I'm benefiting from something I did not work for! I did water on the days it didn't rain but for the most part I did not work for those squash!

It got me thinking about how I try so hard sometimes to do things on my own and so often they fall flat, but when the Lord does a thing in my life it is truly beautiful!

I will certainly try again to grow food in my garden. I'm not giving up yet! This is the first year and I had very little time to devote to it. I did learn a few things and I am confident its worth keeping on.

My artistic children

I've always had a hard time being upset if my kids drew on themselves or drew pictures on the walls. Of course I hated it when they drew on the walls in a place where we rented! That even got us in trouble once! Even though I tried to show the boys that it was not appropriate, I always had a hard time being really displeased with them. I guess its my artistic side being proud of their creativity.

Now we live in my mother-in-laws home. No landlords to make mad and the walls were already not pretty, so they were free to make some beautiful artwork on their bedroom walls before we painted.

I guess I'll go take some pics of what their room looks like after we painted to post with this blog.

Most of the pictures are pre-painting, the one with planets and stars on a dark blue background is what it looks like after we painted.