Monday, July 5, 2010

Jessica & Jessica - Chocolate chip cookies

This recipe is a pretty basic chocolate chip cookie recipe. The main differences are 1: It calls for egg whites instead of whole eggs, 2: Trans-fat-free margarine instead of butter, and 3: It calls for 1 can of drained and rinsed chick peas/garbonzo beans! I used white chocolate chips because Silas is allergic to regular chocolate.

Now I was really excited about this recipe, I love garbonzo beans and I love chocolate chip cookies. I wasn't too sure how they'd mix but wanted to give it a try. I let the boys help with the recipe until it came to the garbonzo beans. I didn't want them to know the secret ingredient just yet so I made them leave the room while I added them in.

They turned out very nice and chewy! The garbonzos really helped cut the sweetness a little (which is a good thing to me) and it made them moist and chewy.

The real test of course was the boys, would they like them? Jason loved them, Gideon liked them, Michael loved them, Silas broke his into little pieces and threw it all over the kitchen floor. Hmm, not sure what Silas thought.

After they all declared that the cookies were good I let them know the secret ingredient. Michael had already guessed but he still liked them! Gideon still liked them! Jason said "Oh Momma! Why did you have to put THAT in the cookies???" I asked him if it mattered since he liked the cookies, he said "I don't like them!". I started to take away his half eaten cookie, he protested and I said "I thought you didn't like them?". He said "Well, I just don't like half of them, I like the rest", then he polished off a few more cookies.

Overall, I think it was a great success and I will probably throw in a can of garbonzo beans every time I make chocolate chip cookies from now on.

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