Sunday, September 7, 2008

Weight loss update

I'm not going to weigh in till Monday but I'm going to go ahead and post how I've done this week.

On water, excellent! Except for today. (We ran out of drinking water and I can't stand the tap, so I didn't drink nearly as much as I should have).

On exercise, great! I met my goals!

On eating veggies, great! It takes planning to get them fixed. I try to prepare them during S's afternoon nap.

On not eating sweets, I am a miserable failure. I got some spring form pans from freecycle and I couldn't resist making a cheese cake. I've never made one in a spring form pan before! I did freeze half of it though. But I ate 3 slices. (not all in one day). I also had some soy ice cream stuff because I had a tooth pulled and it was really hard to eat for a couple of days. (excuses excuses).

On listening to the Lord? Good some days, not so good other days. There is just no excuse for it, I disobeyed. Father, forgive me and give me strength to obey. I want to obey, I am weak, give me your strength.

And finally, I did post an update here for the week, so I met that goal.

So hopefully this next week will be better. I'll post my weight on Monday.

I know the Lord cares about every area of my life and He wants me to obey His voice in every area of my life. I pray I will learn to obey, right away, without delay.

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