Tuesday, September 9, 2008


We signed the two oldest up for Homeschool P.E. today! There is a program called EMH which stands for Energy + Motion + Health. The program runs Sept. - May and they do a different sport each month, with the exception of soccer which is both in Sept. and May.

Both boys are in the same group. M was noticibly taller than all of the other kids in the group. I think they both did OK. It was their first time EVER doing anything like this. The coach said that they needed to learn sportsmanship, boundries, and to follow instructions, but that is what the class is all about and the other kids are learning that too. She said her goal is to teach them these lessons so that when they are older they will be able to work on technique rather than basics.

G didn't seem to have as much fun as I thought he would. He misunderstood what was going on a couple of times and got discouraged and started to walk off the field at one point (the coach drew him back in). Hopefully once he gets used to it he will enjoy it more.

M's long time friend from church is in the group also. It will be interesting to see how they get along with the rest of the kids. They tend to set each other off and get wild. M is ADD and his friend is ADHD. His mom referes to M and her son as "Dynamite and a Match". They are easier to handle separately. At one point today it looked like they were playing "Tackle" Soccer!

J was a little bored and wanted to go out on the field with his brothers. There are a few other younger kids there, hopefully he will be able to get to know them and play with them during the weeks to come. I also want to bring a few things for him to do next time (coloring books, maybe a puzzle, etc.). Today Dh took him to the playground for a little while but in the future I will probably be taking the boys by myself so that Dh can study while we are away.

I am glad the boys are involved in this. I have been hesitant in the past to get them into sports but I think this program is just right for them. The committment is only once a week and we can even skip a month if we like. We also only have to pay for the sessions we attend, so that is helpful.

Praise the Lord!

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