Sunday, April 19, 2020

I need you to know what I believe

I believe in Jesus Christ. Not just that He existed, 

I believe He was born of a virgin
He lived a sinless life 

He died in my place for my sins and the sins of every person who ever existed or will exist

I believe He came back to life on the third day and is still alive, at the right hand of the Father God, preparing a place for those who love Him

I believe Jesus is God

I believe these things in the core of my being

I believe Jesus is going to come again and take the church with Him out of the world, literally

I believe in Heaven and Hell

I don't believe the Bible is just an old story book

I believe the Bible is God's Word to us, it is true, historical, instructional

I believe it is important for me to share my beliefs with others, because they are true, and the end times are coming

Maybe the rapture of the church won't happen for a hundred years or more, but each of our lives will likely end before that

Each of us has to decide whether we believe the truth or not

As it has been said by others, if I am wrong, I have lost nothing, if you don't believe these things and you are wrong, you lose everything

God loves you. He will give you every opportunity to make a decision to love Him or not

It is your choice.

I won't love you any less if you don't believe what I do, I just need you to know what I believe, because I love you

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