Saturday, April 11, 2020

I'm not afraid

Sometimes I fancy myself afraid. Afraid of getting sick, afraid of losing my children or husband, friends or family. Afraid of being forced to do something I believe is wrong, afraid of losing my freedoms, or my teeth. Then I stop, I look to Jesus, and I am not afraid anymore.

There are so many horrible things that could happen to me, so many horrible things that have happened to people throughout history, but because He lives, I can face tomorrow! Because He lives, all fear is gone! Nothing that can happen to me in this life can separate me from the Love of God, and from the good good plans He has in store for me and for all of those who love Him! When I remember this, the fear melts away.

What a glorious hope! Nothing can separate me from the love of God! NOTHING! His plans for me are so so good. The trials and tribulations, sicknesses and sufferings, they are all only temporary. They will come and go. What matters is that I love Him, that I am called according to His purpose, that I am obedient to Him and follow Him.

The world may be in chaos right now, but God is still in control. His plan is being played out right before our eyes.

Not being afraid doesn't mean I am foolish. I am taking precautions to be healthy and keep myself and others safe. I am using the common sense God gave me so to speak. I am being obedient to the authorities God has placed in my life. I am not afraid of the stove, but I am not going to rest my hand on the hot burner.

I was thinking this week, how exciting it is that this Sunday, April 12th 2020, may be the day that more people will hear the gospel in one day than any other single day in history! Think about it, nearly 8 billion people on the planet, many of them in their homes isolated because of a pandemic, nearly half of them with access to the internet*. Millions of churches around the world having in person services, and streaming services online. The potential for the gospel to reach people is amazing! Just think of how many people are curious, looking for answers to the world's crisis right now. How many people will click on a church service as they scroll through Facebook, people who would never set foot in a church! With more than 2.5 billion active Facebook users*, combined with all of the churches reaching out and preaching the gospel around the world, on and offline, there could be billions of people that hear the gospel this weekend! How exciting is that!?!

So I am choosing to not be afraid. Yes, I have my moments of weakness, fear, doubt, and anxiety, but when I look to Jesus, when I remember what He did on the cross for me, when I remember what He has in store for me, I am not afraid anymore.

"For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind."
2 Timothy 1:7

*Wikipedia, estimated 7.4 billion people in the world and 48% with internet access as of 2017.
*Facebook, estimated 2.5 billion active users as of December 2019.

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