Monday, May 25, 2020

7 years

A friend asked me a couple of weeks ago how I was doing, with Silas's departure anniversary, and his birthday coming up soon. I thought about it a moment and answered that today, when I think about Silas, I am more happy than sad.

It took a while to get here.

For a long time after he died, perhaps over a year, he was on my mind constantly. Thoughts of him, and the loss of him, were ever present and often overwhelming. I was always on the verge of tears. Things have changed though. The pain isn't as raw, the hurt is no longer fresh. I don't constantly think of the pain of his absence, and often thoughts of him now bring joy.

There is pain remembering the pain, suffering, and sickness that my little boy endured, but there is also joy when I remember his life! He was hilarious, precious, sweet, and loving. I think of those things more than I think of the pain now. I hope in time, I will think of the pain less and less.

One day all the tears will be wiped away and there will be no more pain, or death, or sorrow. I can see that day coming and I praise God for the place He is preparing for all those that love Him! I'll see you there Silas, I love you.

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