Friday, December 11, 2015

Tough time of year

I am finding it hard to eat healthy lately. I have good days and bad days, but lately more bad days than I would like. It seems like everywhere I go there are sweets calling my name! I fight with myself about it saying "Just a bite", and then "no! Don't eat it!". It has been a losing battle lately though.

There are several things at play here. For one thing, I associate Christmas treats with good memories of years past. I remember that great Christmas when I made honeycomb candy as gifts for everyone. I am also an emotional eater, this time of year brings up a lot of emotions, mostly because my little Silas, who should be 7 years old right now, is not here. I can't wrap up any presents for him, I can't teach him Christmas Carols, I can't help him make ornaments for the tree. This is the 3rd Christmas without him but its still hard.

Another thing is that I've been so busy with activities lately and I have not been planning properly. When I don't plan my meals properly I end up eating poorly.

I have been exercising pretty well lately. I've been working out 3 times a week and walking 6 days a week. Except this week, I was feeling run down on Wednesday so I took a break at the advice of my husband. I didn't want to be too worn out to teach at AWANA Wednesday night. I did work out Monday and today though, and I should reach my goal of 20-25 miles walked for the week this week. That is something. 2 years ago my goal was 10 miles a week and I had a really hard time reaching that most weeks, so I have definitely made progress!

I'm still going to try, even if I fail some days. Tomorrow is always a new day. I know that I can't win every battle overnight, nor can I win any battle on my own strength. The Lord isn't finished with me. He is still working on my heart in many areas, including my relationship with food. Yes, He cares about that too!

Thank you Lord for not giving up on me. Thank you for loving me so much.

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