Wednesday, December 18, 2013

I want to be like Jesus

Have you ever met one of those people that just "oozes" Jesus? You know, they are almost always smiling and His praise is always on their lips. When you are around them you just feel His presence and His love gushing out of them.

I want to be like that!

I have been so blessed to have met a handful of those people in my life. Sadly, there aren't as many of them as there probably should be. All of us that love the Lord should be so full of Him that it shows. People should be able to tell we have something different just by being around us.

I want to be like Jesus. I want to smile and "ooze" His love. I want His praise to always be on my lips.

What does it take to attain this? Do I have to give a certain amount? Do I have to spend a certain number of hours in church? Do I have to spend a certain number of hours in prayer or reading my Bible?

I don't think there is a formula to follow. No check list to tick off. To be like Jesus, I must simply be with Him! By "be with Him" I mean, spend time with Him. Acknowledge that He is with me all the time, everywhere. Talk to Him everywhere, all the time, about everything. Take time to hear from Him through His Word, the Bible. Listen to sermons and worship music. Spend time with others who love Him also. When we do these things, it happens, we become more like Him. We can't help it! It just happens.

That is what I need more of, more time with Jesus. The more I am with Him, the more I love Him, and the more I love Him, the more I want to be with Him!

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