As of January we won't qualify for state insurance anymore. I've wanted to be off of it for ages! The problem is that while we won't qualify for free insurance anymore, we won't be able to afford to buy our own either. We are just getting to a place where we can buy food and clothing and pay rent without worrying about where the money will come from. If we were to buy insurance it would cost us around $500 a month minimum. Where does that come from? Dh would have to get a third job just to afford insurance! That sure wouldn't help our family. He wouldn't be able to see us ever, it would be hard on him, on our marriage, and on our family. Two jobs is already hard. I didn't mention the co-payments and deductibles either. There's no telling how much that would add up to.
Health care is outrageously expensive in this country. I'm sure it is everywhere, but does it need to be? I'm all for people getting paid what they are due and getting rich, but at the expense of others? It doesn't seem right. I think there needs to be a way for the rich to help the poor, without welfare. I love the example in the Bible, the rich field owners were to leave the corners of their fields for the poor to gather food for themselves. They were also to only glean a field once, so that the poor could go along behind them and pick what was left over. I have seen fields of perfectly good pumpkins smashed to bits because they don't want people coming through and taking them. There's no telling how many people that could feed!
I know, I know, regulations, safety concerns, laws, and all that. It just doesn't seem right though.
I consider us pretty frugal people. We recycle, we buy mostly generic, we shop at discount stores and thrift stores, we cloth diaper, we budget, we do without, I save the boys clothes that they grow out of to hand down to their younger brothers, we eat a lot of beans and rice, we only have local phone service and use our .01 cent per minute phone card for long distance calls, Dh does a lot of the work to our van himself, we plan out our shopping trips to maximize our fuel economy, I use half the soap to wash the laundry. I'm sure there may be more we could do, but we do pretty well.
There really is no where to cut back so that we can buy insurance. We really aren't even saving money right now, because there really isn't any to save.
It is a frustrating situation, and I'm inclined to continue ranting, but there is something better that I must do. I must pray. I must rely on the Lord. I must trust that God knows our situation and He has a plan. If we trust in Him, and allow Him to work His plan in our lives, whatever the outcome, it will be the best thing for us.