Well, I ended up spending the day in bed. I came down with a case of Mastitis so I need to take it easy for a few days and get plenty of rest.
Dh managed to get the garage looking a lot better! After M & G went to VBS at 6 PM he got a lot done in there. There is actually room to walk in there now! Someone is giving us a washer and dryer this weekend so we needed to be able to get them into the garage. We have another set on loan to us (though the dryer doesn't work) but the set we are being given will be ours to keep. God is so good! I am so excited to get a dryer! I love hanging clothes on the line but there are times a dryer would really be useful.
It is amazing. We've lived in apartments ever since we got married, we've never had much space to store things. Now we've had a garage for 5 months and its already half full of stuff! Now we do have a couple of things we are just holding onto for other people but still, we have a lot of stuff in there ourselves. I am trying to get rid of things we don't need though. I don't want to hang on to things that are of no use to us. There's just no point. It is a never ending job though, to go through the possessions we have and get rid of the things we don't need or want any more.
I think the older boys loved VBS, they were very excited when we picked them up. I am glad, its really nice to have them out of the house for 2 1/2 hours each evening. For this week anyway. J wasn't upset at all about not getting to go with his older brothers, I was really surprised but very glad. Maybe tomorrow we'll take him to the park or something like that.
Dh is off work for one more day so I will try and get as much rest as I can. Its nearly impossible to get good rest when I am here by myself with the boys. Hopefully I will be well by the end of the week.
Lord Jesus, I give myself to You, I surrender to You. My life, my health, my children, everything is in Your hands.