The past year has been one full of learning and growing for the Edenfield family. Last year, as you may know, we moved to Georgia and began caring for Archie's Mom, Jeri, who suffered a stroke in 2008.
When we first got out here we had thoughts of possibly planting a church but were unsure of ourselves. We visited a local church for a while and began attending regularly. After a while we realized that while there was nothing wrong with us attending that church, it wasn't God's best for us. Towards the end of last year we felt He was saying to us "I'll bless you if you choose to stay here, but I have something better in mind". In January of 2010 Maranatha Fellowship began in our home. We have worship service every Sunday morning at 10:30 AM. We have also had other opportunities to minister to the community. In March we had a Resurrection breakfast and invited people in the community to come and celebrate the Resurrection with us. We set up tables in the yard and had a nice pancake breakfast and crafts for the kids. In April Archie had the opportunity to go to the Deep South Pastor's conference in the Atlanta area, it was a very encouraging experience for him. In May I had the opportunity to help with a purity retreat for girls at the church we had attended for a while. I also had the privilege of hosting a ladies bible study the past few months, it was a huge blessing to me as we studied the book of Philippians. This past week we had a Birthday Party for Jesus at a local park, it was a lot of fun and I think everyone felt the Love of the Lord as we celebrated His birth! So far the membership of the church is just the 7 of us, but we are confident that the Lord is doing a work in us and will use us to reach others for Him.
We continue homeschooling. I stay home with Jeri and the boys and Archie works at a local hardware store in Vidalia. In a time where so many are out of work it is such a blessing that he has a job! He has been working there just over a year now. My parents were able to come out for a visit in June and we really enjoyed having them.
Michael is as dramatic as ever! He turned 10 in November and is now in 4th grade. He loves legos and riding his bike. He is also in the AWANA program, along with all of his brothers. He is not a little kid anymore and we see more evidence of that every day.
Gideon is 7 1/2 now and also loves legos and riding his bike, he also loves being silly and laughing. He is quite the artist too! This year has been a tough year of eye therapy for his "lazy eye". We have been taking him to a specialist in Savannah every three months since February. His next check up is January 6th and we are hoping to be at the end of the therapy. His vision has improved a lot but the progress has slowed down over the past few months as he is getting older. (There comes an age where a child's vision can no longer be corrected with therapy).
Jason has learned to ride his bike without training wheels recently, he also learned how to pump the swing all by himself! He is also quite an artist. He is very independent and bursting with energy. He turned 5 in August.
Silas has grown a lot in the past year as well. He is now 2 1/2 years old and speaks really clearly in complete sentences. He recently told me a story that he made up all by himself, I was quite impressed! He does his best to keep up with his brothers. He is also a very loving boy who loves Jesus very much.
We still care for Jeri and have learned a lot through becoming caregivers. It is not something we expected to do this early in our lives but it is something the Lord knew about before hand and I believe prepared us for. The Lord has used this in our lives to teach us many lessons and He's not done yet!
As we wrap up one year and prepare for the next it is evident that God is good and directs the steps of His children. Serving Him has been an exciting adventure for the Edenfield family and we love Him for every moment of it!
May your eyes turn to Jesus this Christmas and New Year. May you look on His wonderful face and may He change your heart. God bless y'all!
It is so wonderful to see your family. Absolutely wonderful what God is doing with you. Much love, the Grants
Merry Christmas!
Thanks Linda! It has been great seeing your family pictures on facebook!
May God's richest blessings be with you all. I hope and pray things get even better. I did not know that had happened with ms Jeri. I lost contact with her when she moved and i have missed her letters of encouragement over the years. Please let her know I am praying. I hope to keep up with you guys a lot better this next year. Maybe one day we can get together and enjoy a reunion or something
May the lord continue to bless you All.I pray that we can come and visit you soon.
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