Sunday, September 8, 2019

Out of time machine

In September of 2012 we were invited to go to Wild Adventures theme park by Camp Sunshine, who support children who are fighting cancer and their families. Silas had finished treatment a few weeks before and we were planning to take him for a CT scan the following Monday to confirm (we hoped) that he was cancer free.

Silas really loved rides and roller coasters! He wasn't big enough for all of them. One he really liked at Wild Adventures was called "Monkeyin' around" AKA "Tilt-o-whirl".  Silas called it the "out of time machine" because he said it reminded him of Heaven, and Heaven is outside of time! (The things he came up with!!). We rode it several times over the weekend. We had a lot of fun with the boys that weekend, but there was some scan-xiety going on too. We knew that scan was coming on Monday.

Turns out, the scan was not good. The cancer was back. Silas never got to go to Wild Adventures again.

Camp Sunshine has continued to graciously invite our family to go back each year (Thank you Camp Sunshine!!) and bring our boys. It has been a fun time to remember Silas and enjoy time as a family. This year we got a huge surprise! A little blessing from the Lord!

So last year, the "out of time machine" was not in it's usual spot, it had been dismantled. We were so sad, until we spoke to an employee about it and learned that they were just moving it, not taking it out of the park. When we went this past weekend we discovered that they had moved it, put new paint on it, and renamed it "Turtle Twist"!! Wow! Silas' favorite Wild Adventures ride named after his favorite animal! How cool is that! Silas would have loved that. Thank You Lord for that smile!

We still miss Silas, we always will. He was so special and I am so very thankful that he was in our lives. I am also grateful that we have come to the point in our grieving process where thinking of Silas doesn't only bring tears, often it brings smiles.

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