Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Walking walking walking

I didn't walk much after my gallbladder removal in December. The last couple of months I have been walking again. I had a cold that slowed me down, and now my allergies are horrendous, but I'm trying to get going again. I was walking and measuring by minutes walked, but I think I'm going to switch it up and measure by miles. I have a pedometer and am going to aim for 2 miles a day this week.

Each September Alex's Lemonade Stand Foundation has their "Million Mile Walk-Run-Ride" for childhood cancer. Our family has set up "Team Silas" on the website to raise funds for childhood cancer research. Last year I walked 106 miles! This year I am aiming for 125 miles!

It is a big challenge for me but I really want to work toward being able to do it. September is 30 days long, If I walk 5 miles a day, 25 of those days, then I will reach my goal.

My plan is to walk 2 miles a day the rest of this month, then 3 miles a day in June, then 4 miles a day in July, and then in August I am thinking perhaps walking 3-5 miles a day at least 5 days a week. Then hopefully I will be in good shape to walk 5 miles a day in September. There are always bumps in the road, but I figure its better to start with a plan than to jump in without one.

I learned last September that I have to break it up. I can't walk many miles all at once. A mile or two in the morning, and a mile or two in the evening. Walking 106 miles last September really wore me out but I felt so good for doing it! I am more than 20 lbs less than I was then, so that should help. I am also eating a lot healthier than I was then, which should also help!

I have decided I am not a runner. It hurts too much! But I can walk, and I am going to.

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