Thursday, July 31, 2008

More diapers

I got two more diapers and one diaper doubler made today! The elastic still isn't right but I guess that will come with practice. Over all I am pleased though. S is wearing one now! They even fit J, so I can say they can go from 15 lbs. to 30 lbs. Probably could fit a smaller baby but I'm not sure how small, and maybe a slightly larger baby but not by much.

It looks like I'm only going to be able to make 6 diapers with the PUL I purchased but that's ok. I'm sure I'll be able to buy more one of these days. Right now I'm thinking I'd like to have about 24 diapers. I've got 6 Kushies, 3 WAHM's, and three of my own now. Hopefully I'll have the other 4 made soon.

This sure is fun :)

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Homemade cloth diaper

I did it! This is the first cloth diaper I've made! I used a soft flannel receiving blanket for the inner and outer layers and I used a cotton prefold for the soaker layer. I put in velcro to fasten it.

Overall I am pleased, I need to get the hang of doing the elastic part though. I did one side just right but the other side was a little too loose.

This diaper isn't waterproof but I have the PUL to make some that are. On one hand I can't wait to cut into it but on the other I am nervous about cutting into something that isn't just scrap fabric. It wasn't terribly expensive but more than I usually pay for fabric. I'm sure it will be worth it though. A friend told me I can probably get 6-8 diapers out of the PUL so I am going to measure carefully and try to get at least 6. I'll have to post a pic when I get those ones made.

This one took me about an hour to make (though I was interrupted a lot and from the time I started till I finished was more than a day). I think now that I have a better idea of what I am doing I can make one in less time. It used to take me about 2 full hours to make a baby sling but now I can probably make 2 in an hour. It's just a matter of having an uninterrupted hour to make them!

P.S. Don't you love those baby thighs!

Grocery outlet

The first night of VBS J had no problems with his big brothers getting to go to church while he stayed home, but last night was a different story. He cried and cried as we drove away from church. He said he didn't want to go home he wanted to go to Grocery outlet, so we drove over there and walked through the store with him. LOL, it was one of the most pleasant trips we've made there! The first thing he grabbed was a fudge making kit. Since it was only $1.50 and I couldn't make fudge for that little, I went ahead and bought it. The only thing that needed to be added was butter and I already had that. We also found some salad, a honeydew melon, yogurt, and mini M&M's. Needless to say J was quite pleased by the time we left.

It was interesting making a trip to the grocery store with only two little ones. It's been a long time! Dh carried S while I kept up with J. One kid for each of us! Just like it used to be when we only had M and G.

When you only have one child its pretty easy passing him back and forth between you when you go out. When you have two its not so bad either because you have one parent for each child. Then comes along number three and it takes a while to get used to handling two at a time. You can take turns handling two at a time though. Then comes along number 4 and you pretty much have two at a time ALL the time! Sometimes you even have 3 at a time when you go out as a family because one is being particularly difficult.

4 are probably easier than 3 though, since you are already used to having at least two at a time, at least half the time.

Not sure what 5 is going to be like. Not sure if we'll ever have that many or more.

It was fun going shopping with just two. When they are all behaving themselves it can be fun shopping with 4 too.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

The Garage

Well, I ended up spending the day in bed. I came down with a case of Mastitis so I need to take it easy for a few days and get plenty of rest.

Dh managed to get the garage looking a lot better! After M & G went to VBS at 6 PM he got a lot done in there. There is actually room to walk in there now! Someone is giving us a washer and dryer this weekend so we needed to be able to get them into the garage. We have another set on loan to us (though the dryer doesn't work) but the set we are being given will be ours to keep. God is so good! I am so excited to get a dryer! I love hanging clothes on the line but there are times a dryer would really be useful.

It is amazing. We've lived in apartments ever since we got married, we've never had much space to store things. Now we've had a garage for 5 months and its already half full of stuff! Now we do have a couple of things we are just holding onto for other people but still, we have a lot of stuff in there ourselves. I am trying to get rid of things we don't need though. I don't want to hang on to things that are of no use to us. There's just no point. It is a never ending job though, to go through the possessions we have and get rid of the things we don't need or want any more.

I think the older boys loved VBS, they were very excited when we picked them up. I am glad, its really nice to have them out of the house for 2 1/2 hours each evening. For this week anyway. J wasn't upset at all about not getting to go with his older brothers, I was really surprised but very glad. Maybe tomorrow we'll take him to the park or something like that.

Dh is off work for one more day so I will try and get as much rest as I can. Its nearly impossible to get good rest when I am here by myself with the boys. Hopefully I will be well by the end of the week.

Lord Jesus, I give myself to You, I surrender to You. My life, my health, my children, everything is in Your hands.

Sunday, July 27, 2008


This week Dh and I have a few projects we want to accomplish. He was off work today and has the next two days off as well!

1. Steam clean the carpet and couch.
2. Organize the Den/school room/tv room/library.
3. Clean out the garage.
4. Sort the clothes that don't currently fit anyone.
5. Fix the van window.
6. Get ready for Home School next week.
7. Catch up on general house work.

I also need to get well! I've been fighting a sinus infection for two weeks now. Considering the average sinus infection lasts for 3 weeks I should be getting better soon. LOL, I need to take it easier than I have been. Easier said than done.

I will be so happy when the couch is cleaned! It's needed it for a very long time. Sometimes I though blankets over it when we have company but that just makes it feel too hot during the summer. The carpet isn't too terrible but a good cleaning will make it look much better.

Hopefully when I go through the clothes I will find a few more pairs of shorts for J. He could use some. I am hoping my sewing machine will be fixed in a few days, I have 3 pair of shorts that just need elastic in them. Oh yeah, hehe, that's my other project, but I don't know if I'll get there this week. I want to make some more clothe diapers for S. We were given some AIO's and really like them and I think I can manage to make a few more. I ordered my supplies so as soon as they arrive and my machine is working I can get started! I am so excited to try.

Blogging again and school

I've been wanting to start a new blog, I've never been very successful at keeping up a blog but I'm going give it another try.

I am planning to start school with the two older boys next week. This week is VBS at church so I should have some time to plan for next week while the boys are there. M will be in 2nd grade and G will be starting Kindergarten! I am really excited about teaching G to read. We've already done a couple of lessons and I know he is excited as well.

This year we are going to ease into the year. The first week we will just do Bible and then add 1 or 2 subjects each week after that until we have a full load. Since its my first year teaching two I wanted to make it easier on myself. Plus I still have the 2 little ones to take care of! S still sleeps a lot, he'll just be 2 months old when we start, and J is pretty good at entertaining himself, although there are subjects he will be able to participate in as well.

The baby wants me so that's all for now. Hopefully I'll be getting on here and typing more soon!